100 Most Common Verbs in Portuguese
Let’s be honest, Portuguese is not an easy language, our grammar can be complicated, especially when it comes to verbs.
The issue with Portuguese is that different than English for example, we conjugate our verbs, meaning that they change according to the tense, person, and mood.
In most of the cases, we have grammar rules that make conjugating verbs easier in the case of regular verbs, however, we do have irregular verbs, that don’t follow any traditional rule and can become something completely different than its verb root.
Regardless of all the difficulties, if you are on a mission to learn Portuguese, there is no other option but to dive into the verbs and know them one by one.
To help you out with this, I compiled this list of the 100 most common verbs in Portuguese, alongside their translation in English.
By now, don’t worry about memorizing them all at once, start slowly, and try to learn one by one.
Forget about conjugation, stick to the verb root, and then learn the grammar rule of the regular verbs.
Once you learn the verbs and know how each one of them ends, it will be easier to learn their conjugation rule.

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Portuguese verbs endings
The conjugation of Portuguese verbs depends on their endings. In the case of Regular verbs, we have three types of verb endings: verbs ending in “ar”, “er”, and “ir”.
Besides these three, we have the irregular verbs, whose endings are different from these three categories, so we will be listing them in a different section, to make it easier to see.
Why this regular/irregular verb information is relevant? Because you will have to know this in order to know how to conjugate them properly.
Most common verbs in Portuguese:
Sure! Here is the list of 100 common Portuguese verbs categorized into “-ar”, “-er”, “-ir”, and “irregular verbs”:
“-ar” Verbs
- 1. falar (to speak)
- 2. deixar (to leave/let)
- 3. pensar (to think)
- 4. chegar (to arrive)
- 5. passar (to pass)
- 6. olhar (to look)
- 7. começar (to start)
- 8. voltar (to return)
- 9. levar (to take)
- 10. precisar (to need)
- 11. encontrar (to find)
- 12. trabalhar (to work)
- 13. usar (to use)
- 14. gostar (to like)
- 15. tentar (to try)
- 16. ajudar (to help)
- 17. explicar (to explain)
- 18. esperar (to wait/hope)
- 19. chamar (to call)
- 20. continuar (to continue)
- 21. lembrar (to remember)
- 22. buscar (to search for)
- 23. estudar (to study)
- 24. chamar (to call)
- 25. sonhar (to dream)
- 26. jogar (to play)
- 27. caminhar (to walk)
- 28. cozinhar (to cook)
- 29. dirigir (to drive)
- 30. viajar (to travel)
- 31. esquecer (to forget)
- 32. acordar (to wake up)
- 33. levantar (to get up)
- 34. cantar (to sing)
- 35. dançar (to dance)
- 36. tocar (to touch/play an instrument)
- 37. procurar (to search)
- 38. representar (to represent)
- 39. ensinar (to teach)
- 40. continuar (to continue)
“-er” Verbs
- 1. ser (to be)
- 2. fazer (to do/make)
- 3. poder (can/to be able to)
- 4. ver (to see)
- 5. saber (to know)
- 6. parecer (to seem)
- 7. perder (to lose)
- 8. entender (to understand)
- 9. correr (to run)
- 10. aprender (to learn)
- 11. vender (to sell)
- 12. comer (to eat)
- 13. responder (to answer)
- 14. manter (to maintain)
- 15. oferecer (to offer)
“-ir” Verbs
- 1. ir (to go)
- 2. abrir (to open)
- 3. partir (to leave)
- 4. sentir (to feel)
- 5. conseguir (to achieve/manage to)
- 6. decidir (to decide)
- 7. construir (to build)
- 8. permitir (to allow)
- 9. descobrir (to discover)
- 10. dividir (to divide)
- 11. cobrir (to cover)
- 12. fugir (to flee)
- 13. discutir (to discuss)
Irregular Verbs
- 1. estar (to be)
- 2. ter (to have)
- 3. vir (to come)
- 4. dar (to give)
- 5. querer (to want)
- 6. ficar (to stay/to remain)
- 7. trazer (to bring)
- 8. sair (to leave)
- 9. pôr (to put)
- 10. saber (to know)
- 11. haver (there is/to exist)
- 12. poder (to be able to)
- 13. fazer (to do/make)
- 14. ver (to see)
- 15. dizer (to say)
- 16. ouvir (to hear)
- 17. ler (to read)
- 18. escrever (to write)
- 19. abrir (to open)
- 20. ouvir (to hear)
- 21. vir (to come)
- 22. ser (to be)
- 23. estar (to be)
- 24. ter (to have)
As you can see, the irregular verbs specifically can be a bit tricky because some of them fall into other categories, for example, “ouvir” is irregular but ends in “ir” or “ter” that ends in “er” but is also an irregular verb.
This happens because although they have these endings when conjugated the verb changes the root completely and doesn’t follow the same conjugation rule as the “ir” or “er” verbs.
It is a lot of information, I know, but with time and practice, you will start conjugating them automatically in your head, it comes naturally after some time, I promise!
I hope this list will be helpful to you on your journey, and if you have any further questions, don’t hesitate to email me! 🙂