30+ Popular Slang in Portuguese
Since we are in the “Learn Portuguese” vibe here in this blog, let’s do another one.
We started with beautiful words in Portuguese and popular quotes in Portuguese, now, let’s dive into the most popular Portuguese slang!
On this list, I carefully picked the most common slang that you will hear in Brazil, from “descolado” which is by far my most spoken one, to “maneiro” old but gold, you will have a good repertoire to make yourself a cool person to your Brazilian friends.
Now, of course, the Portuguese version of the Portuguese language (which is the original version by the way, I’m not here claiming credits) will have its own set of slang, but as a Brazilian, let me speak for myself and feather my own nest!

Also read:
- Best Portuguese Quotes and Popular Sayings
- 100 Most Common Verbs in Portuguese
- Unique Portuguese Words
- Most Beautiful Words in Portuguese
So ladies and gentlemen, here is, my list of popular Portuguese slang:
- 1. Poxa
It is an expression of disappointment or surprise, like “Oh no” or “Oh man”.
- 2. Valeu
It is a cool way to say “Thanks”
- 3. Tá ligado?
You know? or You get it?
- 4. Ficar de boa
To chill, relax.
During Carnaval? I prefer to “ficar de boa” at home, for example.
- 5. Dar mole
To give someone an opportunity usually implies being too easy or lenient.
We usually say that when a guy or a girl is looking too much at you, or being too nice, meaning that the person is probably flirting.
- 6. Ficar na sua
To mind your own business.
- 7. Cara
Dude, guy.
It’s probably the most spoken slang in Brazil.
- 8. Mermão
The shortened form of “meu irmão” which means “my brother”, is used to address a friend.
This slang and “accent” is more popular in Rio de Janeiro, but very few people speak “mermão” in the rest of Brazil.
In other areas of Brazil though, some people use the slang “meu irmão”.
- 9. Sacar
To understand, to get it.
It’s like when someone tells you an inside joke, and you get it (você saca). In this case, you can reply “ah, saquei!”
- 10. Dar um rolê
To go for a walk or a ride.
Rolê is a very popular slang, the meaning nowadays can vary a bit but generally speaking it is “to hang out”.
Another example using the slang “rolê” is when someone tells you about a bad situation that happened to them, you can reply “Pults, que rolê!”
Or when you hang out, let’s say go to a party, and turned out it is in a bad place, or people are doing some “wrong things” at this party, as say, you can say you went to a “rolê errado” (wrong rolê). Or a friend tells you about this day they went out to buy drinks and ended up being stopped by police, for example, you can reply “Viix que rolê errado”.
- 11. Pults
Like “Poxa” it expresses disappointment.
- 12. Viix
It can express disappointment, but most of the time it expresses surprise.
- 13. Pega leve
Take it easy.
Let’s be honest, nobody says that anymore, we only hear this slang in poorly dubbed movies.
- 14. De boa
It’s all good, no worries.
- 15. Vamo que vamo
Let’s go, let’s do it.
If you want to sound funny, you can also say “Let’s que let’s”.
- 16. Sussa
A shortened form of “sossego” which means tranquility or calmness, used to say everything is okay or easy-going.
- 17. Zuar
To tease or joke around.
“The Zueira never ends” is one of the online slogans of Brazilians, and summarizes the people very well.
- 18. Maluco
Dude, guy.
It actually means crazy, but you can call people like this. You can call your friends or even people that you don’t know. When you are telling a story about this guy who did that thing, you can say: “Then the maluco did this”.
- 19. Tô por fora
I’m out of the loop, I don’t know what’s going on.
Quebrar um galho – To do a favor, help out.
- 20. Bacana
Cool, nice.
- 21. Mandar ver
To go for it, to do something with determination.
- 22. Papo furado
Nonsense, empty talk.
You can also say “papinho”. About a person who talks nonsense all the time, you can say “cheio dos papinho”.
- 23. É isso aí
That’s it, that’s right.
- 24. Tirar onda
To show off, boast.
Another Carioca slang.
- 25. Perrengue
A difficult or uncomfortable situation.
- 26. Arregar
To back down, to chicken out.
- 27. Miar
same as Arregar.
When you plan to go out with your friends, for example, and suddenly decide not to go, you can call them and say: miei, galera.
- 28. Deu ruim
It went wrong, it didn’t work out.
- 29. Pé de chinelo
Someone who is low-class or lacks sophistication.
- 30. Rolar
To happen, occur.
- 31. Fazer um bico
To do a temporary or part-time job.
- 32. Firmeza
Solid, cool, okay.
- 33. Maneiro
Cool, awesome.
This is old slang, but still cool to say it.
- 34. Quebrar o pau
To have a fight or argument.
Everybody has a neighbor who likes to quebrar o pau sometimes.
- 35. Pagar mico
To embarrass oneself.
- 36. Descolado
Laid-back, easygoing, but can also be used to describe a stylish person/thing.
- 37. Fazer hora
To kill time, waste time.
When you have a meeting, but arrive 30 minutes before it, you can walk around and fazer hora.